Stardrive Chip

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Stardrive Chip
  • Stardrive Chip item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TypePet summon
Use time20 Very Fast
TooltipIt's inscribed in an Astral language
Summons a Star Spider to run alongside you
Grants BuffStar Spider (buff).pngStar Spider
Buff tooltip'The stars will give you solace'
RarityRarity Level: 1
SellNo value
Summons Pet
Star Spider
Star Spider.png

The Stardrive Chip was a pet summoning item that spawned a Star Spider to follow you around. The Star Spider was immune to damage from enemies and despawned upon player death. It was rewarded by the Adventurer after completing the Stardancer slayer quest.


    • Sprite updated.
    • Now rewarded from the Adventurer.
Tools: Brilliant Harvester.png Usual Tools • Shadow Collar.png Summoning Tools • Astral Clock.png Other Tools