Surveyor's Scrolls

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Completed Surveyor's Scrolls
  • Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Asteroid).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Granite).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Hive).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Marble).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Mushroom).png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Dimensions4 wide × 3 high
Use time15 Very Fast
RarityRarity Level: 1
Buy / Sell 50 Silver Coin.png /  10 Silver Coin.png
Research1 required

Surveyor's Scrolls are five furniture items that are rewarded by the Adventurer when completing certain quests. After completing a certain quest, each respective scroll will be sold by the Adventurer for 50 Silver Coin. All scrolls can be placed on walls similar to Paintings. They are purely for decoration purposes and do not provide functionally besides appearance.


Image Placed Tooltip Quest
Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Asteroid).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Asteroid) (placed).png The Asteroid Fields have been charted! Space Rocks
Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Granite).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Granite) (placed).png A nearby Granite Cavern has been charted! Rocky Road
Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Hive).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Hive) (placed).png A giant Hive has been charted! Hive Hunting
Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Marble).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Marble) (placed).png A nearby Marbe Cavern has been charted! Forgotten Civilizations
Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Mushroom).png Completed Surveyor's Scroll (Mushroom) (placed).png A nearby Glowing Mushroom Biome has been charted! Glowing a Garden


Tiles: Grimstone.png Blocks • Naturalist's Workshop.png Furniture • Duskwood Wall.png Walls