Hydra Masks

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Hydra Masks
  • Acidic Hydra Mask.png Fiery Hydra Mask.png Venomous Hydra Mask.png
  • Hydra Masks equipped
Body slotSocial Helmet
RarityRarity Level: 1
Sell10 Silver Coin
Research1 required
Dropped by
Lernean Hydra.pngLernean Hydra13.03%

Hydra Masks are vanity items that are each dropped by their respective Lernean Hydra with a 1/33 (3.03%) chance. They can be worn in the Social Helmet inventory slot.


Equipable Items: Seraph's Breastplate.pngArmor • Strikeshield.pngAccessories ( Forsworn Pendant.pngCombat ) • Plague Doctor's Mask.pngVanity