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  • Large Corinthian Column.png Large Doric Column.png Large Ionic Column.png Large Ruined Column.png Small Corinthian Column.png Small Doric Column.png Small Ionic Column.png Small Ruined Column.png
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
PlaceableTango Tick1.png
Use time15 Very Fast
Map color#B3AEA1 ●
RarityRarity Level: 0
Sell30 Copper Coin
Research1 required
Placed Columns
Placed Columns.png

Columns are craftable furniture items that are crafted from Smooth Marble Blocks and Ancient Marble Chunks at a Work Bench. They are purely only for decoration purposes and do not provide functionality besides appearance.



Result IngredientsCrafting Station
Large Corinthian Column.png
Large Corinthian Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk Work Bench.pngWork Bench
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Large Doric Column.png
Large Doric Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Large Ionic Column.png
Large Ionic Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Large Ruined Column.png
Large Ruined Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Small Corinthian Column.png
Small Corinthian Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Small Doric Column.png
Small Doric Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Small Ionic Column.png
Small Ionic Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)
Small Ruined Column.png
Small Ruined Column
Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Smooth Marble Block.pngSmooth Marble Block (10)

See also


Ancient Marble Chunk.pngAncient Marble Chunk
Gilded Pickaxe.pngGilded Pickaxe • Gilded Hamaxe.pngGilded Hamaxe
Gilded Bident.pngGilded Bident • Gilded Tome.pngGilded Tome
Gilded Robe.pngGilded armor • Small Doric Column.pngColumns • Enchanted Marble Obelisk.pngEnchanted Marble Obelisk
Tiles: Grimstone.png Blocks • Naturalist's Workshop.png Furniture • Duskwood Wall.png Walls