The Tesseract

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The TesseractHardmode exclusive
  • The Tesseract item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Use time79 Snail
TooltipEliminates all non boss enemies on the screen
Consumes 1/10 of the user's life on use
RarityRarity Level: 10
Sell18 Gold Coin

The Tesseract was a Hardmode tool that was dropped by the Lunatic Cultist. It eliminated all enemies on the screen at the cost of 200 mana and 10% of the player's health, as long as the player had above 25% health, and the enemy was not a boss or had over 3000 max health.


  • Enemies killed by the Tesseract did not drop any loot.
  • It could be used to wiped out the True Eyes of Cthulhu off of your screen while fighting the Moon Lord.


  • A Tesseract is the term for interdimensional teleportation in the book "A Wrinkle in Time", as the enemies are being teleported to other dimensions.
  • The actual definition of a Tesseract is a 4-dimensional figure, though in “A Wrinkle in Time”, which this is likely a reference to, it is a 5-dimensional object,


    • No longer sold.
    • Now dropped from the Lunatic Cutist.
Tools: Brilliant Harvester.png Usual Tools • Shadow Collar.png Summoning Tools • Astral Clock.png Other Tools