An Alchemist's Observations

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An Alchemist's Observations
  • An Alchemist's Observations item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltipby Lena Ashwood, Alchemist
RarityRarity Level: 2
SellNo value
Research1 required

An Alchemist's Observations is a lore item that can be found in Wooden Chests. It provides notes and trivia on Toxin, Sporecoid, Jump, and Zephyr Potions.


An Alchemist's Observations
by Lena Ashwood, Alchemist

After experimenting with ingredients from all around this world, I've decided to detail some of the more interesting concoctions that I've produced.

Toxin Potion.png Toxin Potion I believe I made this nasty brew from a combination of a poisonous Noxophyll and some of those strange metallic Bismite Crystals. The poisons cancelled each other out and I was left with this foul-tasting, but drinkable, substance that proves to be quite potent in battle.

Sporecoid Potion.png Sporecoid Potion After obtaining a rare sample of Glowroot from a band of field researchers, I mixed it in with Glowing Mushrooms to produce this. The field researchers told me that they were never going back to that 'freaky place', but that I could retrieve more Glowroot by cutting down giant mushroom trees. I must investigate soon.

Jump Potion.png Jump Potion It was one of those days where I decided to throw stuff in a pot at random to see what would happen. Who would've thought that Pink Gel and Daybloom would cause me to feel so giddy! After downing this sweet stuff, I was jumping for joy- and jumping much higher than I normally would, too.

Zephyr Potion.png Zephyr Potion I couldn't help but notice an interesting new herb sprouting up in patches everywhere. I thought there might be some connection to the islands above, so I combined it some Clouds and Harpy Feathers ,and rather recklessly drank the concoction. I felt as light as the air! Perhaps the aerial properties of this stalk are to be studied further...


  • Added notes and trivia for Zephyr Potion.
Consumables: Jump Potion.png Potions (Runescribe Potion.png Buff Potions) • Spectre Bullet.png Ammunition • Astralite Shard.png Materials ( Elderbark.png Drops • Spirit Ore.png Ores and Spirit Bar.png Bars) • Is Lava Hot?.png Lore • Feather Crown.png Other