Sacred Vine

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Sacred Vine
  • Sacred Vine item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Tooltip'It pulses with natural energy'
RarityRarity Level: 3
SellNo value
Dropped by
Glade Wraith.pngGlade Wraith1100%

The Sacred Vine was a quest item that was dropped by Glade Wraiths. Its only purpose was to be given to the Adventurer for the 'Primary Quest' contract. In a manner similar to Quest Fish, it was always dropped, unless the nearest player already had a Sacred Vine in their inventory.


    • Reworked into a quest item.
    • Sprite updated.
Consumables: Jump Potion.png Potions (Runescribe Potion.png Buff Potions) • Spectre Bullet.png Ammunition • Astralite Shard.png Materials ( Elderbark.png Drops • Spirit Ore.png Ores and Spirit Bar.png Bars) • Is Lava Hot?.png Lore • Feather Crown.png Other