Daze Glyph

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Daze Glyph
  • Daze Glyph item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
TooltipAll attacks inflict confusion
Confused enemies take extra damage
Getting hurt may confuse the player
RarityRarity Level: 5
Sell2 Gold Coin
Research5 required

The Daze Glyph was a unobtainable glyph. Weapons that had this glyph would receive the Dazed Dance effect. This effect granted the ability for all attacks to inflict the Confused debuff, while enemies were confused, they would take extra damage from attacks, however if the player got hurt, they would also get inflicted by the debuff.


Blank Glyph.pngBlank
Bee Glyph.pngBee • Blaze Glyph.pngBlaze • Chaos Glyph.pngChaos • Frost Glyph.pngFrost • Null Glyph.pngNull • Phase Glyph.pngPhase • Radiant Glyph.pngRadiant
Rage Glyph.pngRage • Sanguine Glyph.pngSanguine • Unholy Glyph.pngUnholy • Veil Glyph.pngVeil • Void Glyph.pngVoid • Zephyr Glyph.pngZephyr
Consumables: Jump Potion.png Potions (Runescribe Potion.png Buff Potions) • Spectre Bullet.png Ammunition • Astralite Shard.png Materials ( Elderbark.png Drops • Spirit Ore.png Ores and Spirit Bar.png Bars) • Is Lava Hot?.png Lore • Feather Crown.png Other