Ace of Diamonds

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Ace of Diamonds
  • Ace of Diamonds item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
TypeAccessoryCrafting material
TooltipEnemies killed by critical hits drop Diamond Aces
Diamond aces give you 15% increased damage for 3 seconds upon collecting
RarityRarity Level: 2
Buy / Sell 5 Gold Coin.png /  1 Gold Coin.png
Research1 required
Diamond Ace
  • Diamond Ace.gif
Stack digit 1.png
TooltipYou shouldn't see this
Grants BuffAce of Diamonds (buff).pngAce of Diamonds
Buff duration3 seconds
Buff tooltipDamage increased by 15%
RarityRarity Level: 0

The Ace of Diamonds is a Pre-Hardmode accessory that is sold by the Gambler during the night and during Template:Moons/l10n Waning Crescent and Template:Moons/l10n New Moon phases. When equipped, all enemies killed by critical hits will drop Diamond Aces. When picked up, these grant the player the Ace of Diamonds buff for 3 seconds, which increases all damage by 15%.

Used in

Result IngredientsCrafting Station
Four of a Kind.png Ace of Clubs.pngAce of Clubs Tinkerer's Workshop.pngTinkerer's Workshop
Ace of Hearts.pngAce of Hearts
Ace of Spades.pngAce of Spades
Ace of Diamonds.pngAce of Diamonds



  • 1.4.3: Now used to craft Four of a Kind.
Equipable Items: Seraph's Breastplate.pngArmor • Strikeshield.pngAccessories ( Forsworn Pendant.pngCombat ) • Plague Doctor's Mask.pngVanity