Blade of Noah

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Blade of NoahHardmode exclusive
  • Blade of Noah item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Damage45 Ranged
Knockback1 (Extremely Weak)
ConsumableTango Tick1.png
Critical chance4%
Use time25 Fast
TooltipPenetrates 5 times
RarityRarity Level: 3
Buy / Sell 20 Copper Coin.png /  5 Copper Coin.png

Blades of Noah were consumable Hardmode ranged weapons that were sold by the Bandit after the Wall of Flesh was defeated. They moved in an arc-styled fashion and pierced through enemies five times before dissipating. They had a 25% chance of being retrievable upon hitting a tile.

The Blade of Noah could not be reforged, and therefore could not have modifiers.


  • Noah is a figure in Abrahamic religions, believed to have built an ark to save his family and members of each species of animal from the Great Flood.


Spirit Saber.png Melee weapons • Shadowmoor.png Ranged weapons • Spiritflame Staff.png Magic weapons  • Slagtern Staff.png Summon weapons