Staff of the Dark Magus

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Staff of the Dark Magus
  • Staff of the Dark Magus item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage14 Magic
Knockback4 (Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time22 Fast
TooltipShoots out a ball of green flames that jumps from enemy to enemy
RarityRarity Level: 1
Sell3 Gold Coin

The Staff of the Dark Magus was a Pre-Hardmode wand that could be found in Sepulchre Chests. When used, it launched a ball of green flames that automatically travelled between up to three enemies at a time, dealing damage in the process.

Its best modifier was Mythical.


Spirit Saber.png Melee weapons • Shadowmoor.png Ranged weapons • Spiritflame Staff.png Magic weapons  • Slagtern Staff.png Summon weapons