Rot Scourge

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Rot Scourge
  • Rot Scourge item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage20 Melee
Knockback3 (Very Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time32 Slow
TooltipHitting foes may cause them to release multiple tiny, homing eaters
RarityRarity Level: 2
Sell 1 Gold Coin.png 15 Silver Coin.png
Dropped by
Eater of Worlds.pngEater of Worlds133%

The Rot Scourge was a Pre-Hardmode spear that was dropped by the Eater of Worlds. When the spear striked an enemy, there was a chance that tiny homing eaters similar to that of the Scourge of the Corruptor would spawn. It could be considered the Corruption counterpart of The Rotted Fork.

Its best modifier is Godly. It cannot get modifiers that affect size.


Spirit Saber.png Melee weapons • Shadowmoor.png Ranged weapons • Spiritflame Staff.png Magic weapons  • Slagtern Staff.png Summon weapons