The Crumbler

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The CrumblerHardmode exclusive
  • The Crumbler item sprite
Stack digit 1.png
Damage123 Melee
Knockback1 (Extremely Weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time25 Fast
TooltipThere are crumbs everywhere!
RarityRarity Level: 8
Sell9 Gold Coin
Dropped by

The Crumbler was a Hardmode yoyo that was dropped by Santa-NK1 during the Frost Moon event. The Crumbler could reach up to 22 tiles, but unlike most other yoyos, it couldn't fit through a 1 tile gap.

Its best modifier was Godly. It could not get modifiers that affect size.


Spirit Saber.png Melee weapons • Shadowmoor.png Ranged weapons • Spiritflame Staff.png Magic weapons  • Slagtern Staff.png Summon weapons