Tiny Lunazoa

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Tiny Lunazoa
  • Tiny Lunazoa item sprite
Stack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.pngStack digit 9.png
Bait Power20%
Use time20 Very Fast
TooltipIncreases in bait power at night, and even further during the Jelly Deluge
RarityRarity Level: 1
Buy / Sell5 Silver Coin / 1 Silver Coin
Research5 required
Tiny Lunazoa
Tiny Lunazoa.gif
EnvironmentJelly Deluge
Damage0 (Contact)
14 / 20 / 30 (Arcane Star)
Max Life5
KB Resist45%
Coins 60 Copper Coin.png
  • Item (Quantity)Rate
  • 100%
Projectile created
Arcane Star.png
Arcane Star
Dropped by
Moon Jelly Wizard.pngMoon Jelly Wizard20-30 / 10-32100%

Tiny Lunazoa is a passive critter that spawns in Space during the Jelly Deluge event. It functions similar to a Firefly, flying around randomly and spawning with varying sizes. Upon killing it, it will launch itself as an arcane projectile towards the player. Tiny Lunazoas are also sold by the Arms Dealer for 5 Silver Coin while the player has the Moonshot in their inventory. It can also be used as ammo for the Moonshot or used as fishing bait for fishing poles.


  • The bait power of the item is increased by 15 during the night, and by an additional 20 during a Jelly Deluge event. These changes are reflected in the tooltip.
  • Unlike most critters, Tiny Lunazoa is not affected by the Guide to Critter Companionship or its upgrade.


  • The Bestiary icon.pngBestiary entry for the Tiny Lunazoa: "Tiny, docile jellies that float aimlessly with their smack, following their moonlit migratory patterns."


  • 1.4.3: Reduced bait power from 30% to 20%.
Characters: Wrathful Soul.png Pre-Hardmode Enemies • Ancient Tome.png Hardmode Enemies • Bloomshroom.png Event Enemies • Scarabeus (Map icon).png Bosses • Blossmoon.png Critters • Gambler.png Friendly NPCs